Lindsey Bezek

Lindsey graduated from Virginia Tech in 2017 with Bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Music: vocal performance. A member of the DREAMS lab since the summer of 2014, she has conducted research with both binder jetting and material jetting systems. She has been recognized with the “Best Poster Award” at the 2015 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium for her conference paper. Lindsey was also a member of the 2016-17 DREAMS lab senior design team that designed and built the DREAM Machine, a first of its kind multi-tool AM system. A recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Lindsey is now pursuing a Ph.D. with a focus in material jetting. Her current research project is a multi-disciplinary collaboration involving multi-material jetting of realistic, structural heart models.
Outside of Virginia Tech, she has conducted AM research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). She is also actively involved with the music ministry for her church choir at Virginia Tech.
- L. B. Bezek, J. Pan, C. Harb, C. E. Zawaski, B. Molla, J. R. Kubalak, L. C. Marr, and C. B. Williams, “Additively Manufactured Respirators: Quantifying Particle Transmission and Identifying System-Level Challenges for Improving Filtration Efficiency,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems (2020)
- L. B. Bezek, M. P. Cauchi, R. De Vita, J. R. Foerst, and C. B. Williams, “3D Printing Tissue-Mimicking Materials for Realistic Transseptal Puncture Models,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 110 103971 (2020)
- C. B. Williams and L. B. Bezek. "Material Jetting of Polymers" ASM Handbook Volume 24: Additive Manufacturing Processes, edited by D. Bourell, W. Frazier, H. Kuhn, and M. Seifi, ASM International, 2020.
- I. Vu, *L. Bass, C. Williams, and D. Dillard, “Characterizing the effect of print orientation on interface integrity of multi-material jetting additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 22 (2018)
- L. Bass, J. Milner, T. Gnäupel Herold, S. Moylan, “Residual Stress in Additive Manufactured Nickel Alloy 625 Parts,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 140 No. 6. (2018)
- Wagner, L. Bass, D. Rau, S. Ziv, M. Wolf, D. Wolf, V. Meenakshisundaram, Y. Bai, C. Williams, “Multi-Tool Additive Manufacturing System,” International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. (2017)
- L. Bass, N. Meisel, and C. Williams, “Exploring variability of orientation and aging effects in material properties of multi-material jetting parts,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 22 No. 5. (2016)
- L. Bass, N. Meisel, and C. Williams, “Exploring variability in material properties of multi-material jetting parts,” International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. (2015)
- Vu, L. Bass, N. Meisel, B. Orler, C. Williams, and D. Dillard, “Characterization of multi-material interfaces in PolyJet additive manufacturing,” International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. (2015)