Charles Tenney

Charlie graduated from Virginia Tech in 2014 with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. As an undergrad he was involved in undergraduate research before beginning work on the Dreamvendor 2.0 senior design project in 2013, focusing on calibration of the machine as well as developing the system’s GUI. In large part due to that experience, Charlie decided to stay on for graduate work at Virginia Tech. He pursued Master’s work in vibrations and acoustics, furthering a design for a novel pressure sensor used in piping systems.
Since Spring 2017, Charlie works with both the Vibrations and Adaptive Structures Testing (VAST) Lab and the DREAMS Lab pursuing his Ph.D. His work focuses on a non-destructive impedance-based characterization of additively manufactured parts using piezoelectric wafers as co-located sensors and actuators in order to detect manufacturing defects.
C. Tenney, M. Albakri, C. Williams, and P. Tarazaga, “NDE of Additively Manufactured Parts via Directly Bonded and Mechanically Attached Electromechanical Impedance Sensors,” in Proceedings of the 36th International Modal Analysis Conference, 2018 (Under Review).
C. Tenney, M. Albakri, J. Kubalak, L. Sturm, C. Williams, and P. Tarazaga, “Internal Porosity Detection In Additively Manufactured Parts Via Electromechanical Impedance Measurements,” in Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Conference, 2017 (Awaiting Publication).