Daniel Rau

Daniel graduated summa cum laude from Virginia Tech in 2017 with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. A member of the DREAMS lab since the fall of 2014, he started doing maintenance and designing improvements for the DreamVendor 2.0 system. Daniel was then a member on the 2016-17 DREAMS lab senior design team that designed and built the DREAM Machine, a first of its kind multi-tool AM system. In spring of 2017, he began doing research on developing novel photopolymers for stereolithography. Currently in graduate school pursuing a doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering, Daniel researches methods to additively manufacture novel high performance, high molecular weight photopolymers using both stereolithography and Ultraviolet-Assisted Direct Ink Write. These methods include both the development of novel additive manufacturing processes and novel photopolymer development. Daniel’s work has led to various collaborations including those with Dr. Timothy E. Long (Virginia Tech), Dr. Michael J. Bortner (Virginia Tech), and Dr. Leslie S. Hamachi (Cal Poly). He was recognized with a “Best Poster Award” at the 2018 Macromolecules Innovation Institute Technical Conference for his poster on “Using Ultraviolet-Assisted Direct Ink Write to Additively Manufacture All-Aromatic Polyimides.” Daniel was a was the recipient of the 2019-2020 Virginia Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship. Daniel’s work has led to various collaborations including those with Dr. Timothy E. Long (Virginia Tech), Dr. Michael J. Bortner (Virginia Tech), and Dr. Leslie S. Hamachi (Cal Poly). Daniel has worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the senior level Mechanical Engineering Lab (Fall 2017) and junior level Heat and Mass Transfer course (Spring 2018). Outside of Virginia Tech, he has interned at Northrop Grumman as both a Software and Mechanical Engineer. During the summer of 2018, Daniel worked as an AM researcher at Siemens. Outside of the lab, Daniel is an avid runner and outdoorsman. |
Rau, D. A., Herzberger, J., Long, T. E., & Williams, C. B. (2018). Ultraviolet-Assisted Direct Ink Write to Additively Manufacture All-Aromatic Polyimides. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 10(41), 34828-34833. Wagner, G. W., Bass, L. B., Rau, D. A., Ziv, S. B., Wolf, M. S., Wolf, D. L., ... & Williams, C. B. (2017). Design and development of a multi-tool additive manufacturing system. In The 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Scott, P. J., Rau, D. A., Wen, J., Nguyen, M., Kasprzak, C. R., Williams, C. B., & Long, T. E. (2020). Polymer-inorganic hybrid colloids for ultraviolet-assisted direct ink write of polymer nanocomposites. Additive Manufacturing, 35, 101393. Arrington, C. B., Rau, D. A., Williams, C. B., & Long, T. E. (2020). UV-Assisted Direct Ink Write Printing of Fully Aromatic Poly (amide imide) s: Elucidating the Influence of an Acrylic Scaffold. Polymer, 123306. |
Daniel's work on Kapton has been featured in a VT News publication.